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Englisch namoWoman : In between worlds of sexualities, dualities and tonalities
By recreating themselves, artists transcend their time and place and now Salim has endeavored to overlook the life in his hometown, Tehran, by composing his 6th album, namoWoman. An instrumental avant-prog and prog metal album, namoWoman hires microtonal Persian music influences while introducing a newly constructed language (conlang) named "l3abEl" (pronounced Babel) in which the album’s booklet is written.

Salim is a man of extremities while always seeking reconciliation and harmonization among the most remotely contradictory elements. So developing as a rock/metal artist in a rock alien environment in his hometown or expressing himself by personalized mediums like a conlang of his own, all come natural to his lifestyle. In his 2012 album, Salim has hired an expressionist microtonal approach toward art rock/metal that he describes himself as "empty spaces filled with occasional wild electric guitars and expressive melodies while having oriental dance elements undercover".

About the concepts behind namoWoman composition, Salim says "I have always found the assumption of impossibility an important trick against my mind – a human mind that usually prefers patterned and inductional methods of cognition." Salim adds: "As an artist, creating and experimenting with yet unexplored mental realms has always fascinated me and in order to trick my mind into pushing toward new possibilities, I like experimenting around fundamental concepts like human sexuality. Ideas like considering human sexuality beyond its dualistic nature let me to enter a new mindset and fascinations about worlds of non-Carbon based life, gradually fed my creativity for namoWoman. Maybe I can say this mindset forced my mind to respond on vital levels and challenge its own existence…"

The album cover features Carvaggio’s painting of Medusa, which according to Sigmund Freud is "the supreme talisman who provides the image of castration". Salim says: "namoWoman cover design is a symbolic representation as if the way of transforming dualistic conceptuality passes through castrating one’s sexual identity and reconstructing it anew. All songs in this album appear as perspectives of such creative realms".

Here, Persian music quarter tones are coming in between western music intervals – as Salim has outlined in a music theory article on his website, "Persian Modes: Reading Between the Lines of Western Music". While quarter tones harmonize namoWoman album’s musical language, the l3abEl conlang accompanying its booklet tries to establish the harmony in realm of words.

namoWoman is available in digital and CD format at

namoWoman is the name of a music album

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Spanisch namoWoman: Entre mundos de sexualidades, dualidades y tonalidades
Brasilianisches Portugiesisch namoWoman : entre mundos de sexualidades, dualidades e tonalidades
Französisch namoWoman : entre sexualité, dualité et tonalités
Russisch namoWoman: В перерывах между мирами сексуальности, двойственности и тональности.
Deutsch namoWoman: Zwischen Welten aus Sexualitäten, Dualitäten und Tonalitäten
Niederländisch namoWoman: tussen werelden van seksualiteiten, dualiteiten en tonaliteiten.
Rumänisch namoWoman: ÃŽntre lumile sexualităţilor, dualităţilor ÅŸi a tonalităţilor
Türkisch namoWoman : Cinsellik, ikilik ve tonalite dünyaları arasında
Schwedisch namoWoman : mittemellan världar av sexualitet, dualism och toner
Polnisch Pomiędzy światami seksualności, dwuznaczności i tonalności
Dänisch Imellem verdener af seksualiteter, dualiteter og toner
Russisch Встану я в утро туманное,Солнце ...
Встану я в утро туманное,
Солнце ударит в лицо.
Ты ли, подруга желанная,
Всходишь ко мне на крыльцо?

Настежь ворота тяжелые!
Ветром пахнуло в окно!
Песни такие веселые
Не раздавались давно!

С ними и в утро туманное
Солнце и ветер в лицо!
С ними подруга желанная
Всходит ко мне на крыльцо!

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Englisch I'll wake up
Brasilianisches Portugiesisch Vou acordar na manhã nebulosa...
Englisch Notes on a Music Album #2
"Sovereign" is an instrumental recitation of Shahnameh (The Epic of Kings) i.e. an extensive Persian epic poem written by Ferdowsi as a collection of Persian mythologies. Here you will find western rock instrumentation with eastern flavor. Some songs, I think, are apt to be adapted for traditional Iranian dance; especially “Sovereign” and “Harem” tracks. Actually, I am looking forward to the choreographic performance adaptations for this work whenever possible. Imagine Iranian "Coffee-house paintings" and belly dance with distorted guitars performing cheerful rhythms... Unusual combination? No, to me that sounds all natural!
"Sovereign" is name of a music album.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Spanisch Anotaciones en un álbum musical #2
Italienisch Note ad un Album Musicale #2
Französisch Notes de l'album musical 2
Niederländisch Notities over Muziek Album #2
Polnisch Komentarz do albumu muzycznego #2
Russisch Примечания к (музыкальному) Альбому №2
Schwedisch Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #2
Norwegisch Anmerkninger om et musikkalbum #2
Deutsch Notizen zum Musikalbum #2
Türkisch Bir Müzik Albümden Notlar #2
Hebräisch הערות על אלבום מוסיקה # 2
Dänisch Noter om et musikalbum #2
Englisch Human Encounter
As I came to Earth in 1981, I involuntarily came into contact with human race. Except for a few bright encounters, I found the rest, dark and ugly. “Human Encounter” is my diary of these encounters. This album is divided into two categories:

The “dark side” reflects the ugly experiences. I noticed that human beings have a tendency to call everything by a name and misunderstand it later. So I do not care what they may actually mean by a word like "evil"; but no doubt human beings themselves are the main source of terror, pain and destruction on Earth.

The “bright side” reflects the pleasures I encountered in this planet. I say no pleasure happens on Earth without a human medium; so the corresponding songs are dedicated to individual human beings. Of course at first sight, Earth seems physically alluring, but those are only temporary characteristics. The only immortal thing is what a man creates.

Now that I am departing this planet, I will only miss a few people like those I named in the “bright side”... Let the others putrefy in the abyss of time.
"Human Encounter" is a music album and this is the story behind the album.
I would be thankful if you also translate the title.
Please note that the phrase "Human Encounter" is a modification of "Alien Encounter". In "Alien Encounter", a human encounters aliens but in "Human Encounter", a being (here the storyteller) is encountering human beings.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Französisch À la rencontre du genre humain
Spanisch Encuentro Humano
Brasilianisches Portugiesisch Encontro Humano
Italienisch Incontro Umano
Deutsch Menschliche Begegnung
Russisch В контакте с человеком
Polnisch Ludzkie spotkanie
Niederländisch Menselijke Ontmoetingen
Schwedisch Närkontakt med människan.
Norwegisch Nærkontakt med mennesker
Dänisch Human Encounter.
Türkisch Ä°nsan KarşılaÅŸması
Chinesisch vereinfacht 人之邂逅
Englisch Notes on a Music Album #1
"Abrahadabra" is a reflection of my exaggerated personal feelings. It is the first endeavor to my idea of “pictorial rock” - i.e. composition of sounds that recite a sequence of mental pictures. Actually all of these instrumental tracks have a real-life story behind them. There are very vague allusions to these stories in the CD booklet. e.g. “Route” is the story of a death ceremony and recites the mourning over the dead in a way that is done in eastern culture. Or “Told to the Bird” is the story of my own confession to a bunch of flying birds in a ritualistic way... In one sentence, while composing this album, I felt very lovesick, idealist and outraged.
"Abrahadabra" is name of a music album. Please don't translate it.

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Spanisch Comentario sobre un Álbum musical #1
Italienisch "Abrahadabra"
Russisch Notes on a Music Album #1
Französisch Notes de l'album musical 1
Niederländisch Notities over Muziek Album #1
Polnisch Komentarz do muzycznego albumu #1
Schwedisch Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #1
Deutsch Anmerkungen zu einem Musikalbum Nr. 1
Norwegisch Notater om et musikkalbum #1
Dänisch Notes on a Music Album #1
Türkisch Bir Müzik Albümünden Notlar #1
Englisch Notes on a Music Album #3
In Ustuqus-al-Uss album I somehow inclined to jazz fusion and classic instrumentation. I think the eastern “blend” still dominates e.g. in “Ustuqus-al-Uss-al-Avvalin” which I think is the most progressive song I have ever composed (The second catchy guitar solo is performed by Pouyan). Some songs are extremely personal e.g. “Naught been I thou” which is an off-beat jazzy tune with unusual dance elements... These songs are my utmost fears and hopes - to a degree that made me mute from communicating by words. And thus they become instrumental sounds...
1. The word "progressive" in the phrase "the most progressive tune I have ever made" refers to "progressive rock genre". It means the tune that contains the most "progressive rock" tendencies.
2. "song" and "tune" are synonyms in this text

Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen
Spanisch Notas sobre el Album #3
Russisch О новом альбоме
Italienisch Note sull'album #3
Französisch Remarques sur l'album de musique n°3
Niederländisch Over Muziek Album #3
Norwegisch Notater om musikk album #3
Polnisch Komantarz do albumu muzycznego #3
Schwedisch Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #3
Deutsch Notizen zum Musikalbum #3
Dänisch Notater om Musik Album #3
Türkisch Albüm Hakkında Notlar
Hebräisch הערות על אלבום מוסיקה מס. 3
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